Wednesday, 15 January 2014

The first thought that came to mind when I first saw this image was do games trigger  violence in peoples minds, is it through obsession, or could it be the way you are brought up. For myself games have never made me a violent person and I have played them since I can remember, but games were very different then, they weren't as graphic then as they are today. On the other hand if I was playing the violent games as kid today I couldn't say what effects they could have on me in the long run, when I watched a cartoons, I can remember trying to rein act those in the playground at school, so who knows?
The image was created by Benedict Carey

This image is quite shocking when you think about it. It's sold as collectors edition, what I find disturbing isn't so much the violence, but the fact that some people want to pay a lot of money for this and put it on there shelfs as a trophy!. But is any different to a hunter showing of there kills by turning them into ornaments.
Image sourced from 

This image isn't violent but it's the way the image brandishes weapons gives you a idea to expect violence. It also makes me think of the american gun culture of today. But I can not help but admire the quality of the art work, the character design is amazing.
Image sourced from

The four images above are advertisement pieces for a game called hitman blood money. I like the franchise and what they produce. The developer includes a lot of dark humour in there titles and these four images bring that humour with them. For that reason they don't offend me but to any one who isn't familiar with the game I can understand why people think they cause violence, they are really graphic. Overall I like them especially there use of phrases with the image.
These images were sourced from www.thoughtsofafemalegamer.wordpress

The two (above) images was to take a look at the games of old and new,  Violence seems to have been the centre of  most of the games. Duck hunt , kung fu they both share one thing in common violence and this has carried over to our modern day games. Even the covers are all violent, the kicking action, the poor pixelated duck nearly getting blown to smithereens to the assassin brandishing a axe.
These images were sourced from

Games are mostly associated with violence but there are good games out there that aren't about violence. These two images are my opposing opinion that games can have a good effect on people. The first was a strategy game where you had to save the creatures known as lemmings and challenged the brain, the second (a more recent game) embraced creativity, the idea was to create your own levels and games and share them online with other gamers. And these are two of many many more.
These Images where sourced from

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