Saturday, 15 February 2014


The Tenth Anniversary of the Victory of the Bay of Pigs
By Niko (1971)
Image found at
This graphic poster was created for the tenth anniversary of the bay of pigs. It was the name of an invasion in cuba that ended in a massive defeat for the USA, this image shows a clear message of that defeat, the american flag burning and sinking into the sea although there wasn't any boats sunk at the time, I suppose america would have had that sinking feeling when this well planned operation back fired on them. The artist has made this image as simple as you can get, bold simple shapes of flat colour, I like the way he has used three colours for each separate part of the illustration, the two blues and white for the water, the three colours for the fire and smoke and the three for the flag and the most important part is the text that links the poster to the bay of pigs although I don't like the green and the way the artist has placed the pole (text) looks odd to me. I can't find the process that he has used but I believe it is a collage of cut out shapes or possibly a painting but the way the shapes are placed steer me towards collage. This is certainly a possible way forward, a bold simple approach that shows a strong message, something that I don't usually do, I have always try to put a lot into a image so maybe its time to take a step back?

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