Thursday, 13 February 2014

Colour Studies (Digital Painting)

This sketch is a rough idea of where this image is going . I have made notes of ideas that have come to mind as I sketch. I feel that the character needs to fill the frame more as he needs to be the main focus of the image.

I have started to block in the basic shapes of the composition in flat colours using a soft brush without pen presure (graphics tablet) I have kept the background and characters on seperate layers so if  anything goes wrong  I don't ruin the whole image.

I think that the colour choice looks too bright and cheery, I toned down the colours with a ajustment  layer to alter the brightness of the colours, this is where keeping certain elements on differnt layers will become important so that I can have more control of  the image. I want the image to have a blue tone as if the only light in this dimly lit room is coming from the tv screen, but this would comlicate the colur pallete as it is a area that is daunting to me so I wonder if a hue saturation layer would work ?

This could work but I doesn't give me a full idea ofd if it will be sucessful effect but the point is that in photoshop this can be added and removed easly. 

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